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Periodontal Care
Irvine, CA

Diagram of periodontitis and health tooth at Irvine DentistryAbout 8% of adults aged 20 to 64 and 17% of adults aged 65 years and older have periodontal disease. For these cases, regular cleaning is not enough to save the teeth and gums.

Once infection progresses into periodontal disease, deep cleaning is needed to prevent further infection and decay within the gums and teeth.

We can explain this in more detail and schedule you for periodontal care and maintenance here at Irvine Dentistry with our dentist, Dr. Christianne Lee.

Why is Periodontal Care Important?

The word "periodontal" literally means "around the tooth." Without the stable underlying structure, the teeth cannot be held appropriately, leading to misalignment in both the teeth and the bite motion. As with anything, the longer the periodontal care is neglected, the more serious the consequences.

If patients do not practice proper oral hygiene by thoroughly brushing and flossing at least twice a day, they can suffer from periodontal issues. These can include pain in their teeth or while chewing and pain in the jaw along with bleeding or sensitive gums. This does not mean that periodontal care should stop. In fact, it means quite the opposite.

Periodontal Disease Overview

Periodontal disease occurs as a result of poor oral hygiene. It actually starts with the development of gingivitis.

If left untreated and poor oral hygiene continues, gingivitis will develop into periodontitis, which is also known as gum disease.

Gum disease is characterized by symptoms such as chronic bad breath, gum inflammation and bleeding, difficulty chewing, loose and sensitive teeth, and receding gums.

Some risk factors for this disease, other than poor oral hygiene, include smoking, diabetes, hormones, medication causing dry mouth, autoimmune disorders, and genetics. Diagnosis can generally be given based on the presence of symptoms.

However, our Irvine dentist may also need to take a dental x-ray and conduct a periodontal probe. In healthy teeth, this probe would not extend far, if at all, under the gum line. With gum disease, this probe goes far into the gums. This disease is recurring and can only be treated by one of our dental professionals.

Periodontal Care & Maintenance Procedure

Periodontal care and maintenance is typically needed more frequently than routine dental cleanings and dental exams. Whereas routine dental cleanings generally occur every six months, periodontal care and maintenance appointments usually occur once every three or four months. It should be noted, a common time frame used is every three months, but the recommendations vary based on your needs, and could occur more or less often depending on your case.

There are several steps involved in periodontal care and maintenance. First, our dentist will collect all of your patient information, followed by a routine dental exam to determine the status of your teeth and gums.

Next, our dentist will clean the teeth using scaling tools or an ultrasonic device. These are used to remove plaque and calculus from the teeth.

After this, our dentist will provide subgingival cleaning. This is when calculus and bacteria are removed from pockets under the gum line.

The appointment concludes with root planing. This is when our dentist smooths the root of the tooth to remove any bacteria that remain. While root planing and scaling is done during your regular oral exams, our team may recommend that you increase the frequency of your dental exams until your symptoms improve. This is because root planing and scaling completed at more frequent intervals can provide better results.

In addition to cleaning, our dentist may prescribe medication. These antibiotic pills or antimicrobial ointments help to prevent further bacteria build-up within the gums. This also helps to ease any pain and discomfort you may be experiencing that are associated with the disease.

To finish the appointment, our dentist will likely take a dental x-ray to examine the bone structure. This helps to indicate areas needing further attention at future appointments.

Surgical Treatments

In addition to non surgical treatments for fighting gum disease, surgical treatments can be performed to combat your gum disease as well. Some surgeries that are used in relation to gum disease involve repairing damage caused by the disease as opposed to treating the symptoms themselves.

A gum graft is an effective procedure that involves removing damaged, infected gums, and replacing them with new tissue. When gum recession has started and the space begins to open up between the teeth and gums, gum grafts can correct these problems.

Bone grafts are also used if your jawbone has become weaker due to the disease. Bone grafting may not seem like a periodontal treatment, but did you know that the leading cause of facial bone loss is actually gum disease? Bone grafting can help restore that missing bone.

Home Dental Care

We will give you more specific instructions at your appointment in regard to home care for your periodontal disease. Though a regular and thorough dental hygiene routine is important for everyone, it is especially critical for someone with gum disease. Without proper care, gum disease can lead to other dangerous health complications such as heart problems.

At the most basic, you should brush your teeth two times a day using fluoride toothpaste along with flossing. Make sure to brush your teeth for two minutes each time. Make sure you rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after every use, to remove any potential food particles or bacteria.

You should also floss daily. In addition, our dentist may recommend a saltwater rinse, mouthwash, or other types of rinses or topical treatments. These help with inflammation, bacteria removal, and the relief of many other symptoms.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

At Irvine Dentistry, Dr. Christianne Lee and her dental team are here for you. We are available to answer all of your questions and concerns in regard to periodontal care.

For more information in regard to gum disease and its treatments, contact us at (949) 656-2933 today to schedule an appointment!

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